Lawrence House,
1 Exchange Street,
Norfolk NR17 2AB
07825 687647

Overlay assessment training

We now offer overlay assessment training courses for teachers in schools throughout Norfolk and Suffolk.

If you have noticed that you have children in your care who are showing signs of visual stress, there are two options. You could suggest to the child’s parent or guardian that they could benefit from being tested for Meares-Irlen Syndrome. Or you could offer overlay assessment testing in your school by taking part in our overlay assessment training courses.

We have the ability and credentials to teach overlay assessment training to your teachers. Gain the tools to help your pupils.

An eyesight test is required first to rule out any ocular abnormalities or prescription necessity. However, the next stage would be to test for visual stress. It’s a simple and a quick process. An overlay assessment will indicate if there is an issue and whether a child needs to seek professional testing. At Clarity Colorimetry, we can teach schools how to conduct these simple tests. A test will help students if they are showing signs of Meares-Irlen syndrome to be able to read with ease.

Overlay assessments

What’s involved in a test

Firstly, a rate reading test to assess objective benefit.

Ten colours are then used to determine if colour is of any benefit. The test conductor will be taught how to carry this out. You’ll be given a sequence of colour overlays to apply over text for the student. While also receiving clear guidance as to which combinations will benefit them best.

If colour is found to be beneficial, the student will need to trial the concept over approximately 4 weeks. This will determine if the overlays are an effective method. In total the overlay test takes approximately 15 minutes.

Finally, if a teacher suspects the child could be suffering with the condition then a referral will be required. This involves the use of an Intuitive Colorimeter. A device that illuminates a page of text with coloured light which is then varied in hue, saturation and brightness.   

Simply contact us to arrange a presentation to enhance your understanding of the condition and take part in our training sessions to be able to conduct the overlay assessments in-house.

To find out about conducting overlay tests at your school, get in touch.